2010 Toyota PRIUS
2010 Toyota PRIUSState: | California |
City: | Los Angeles |
Address: | 1435 E Gage Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90001 |
Zip code: | 90005 |
Make: | Toyota |
Model: | Prius |
Body type: | Coupe |
Year: | 2010 |
Mileage: | 174307 |
Interior color: | Grey |
Exterior color: | Silver |
Transmission: | Automatic |
Engine: | L4, 1.8L |
Trim Level: | One; Two; Three; Four; Five |
Body Type: | 4 Door Hatchback |
Manufacturer: | Toyota Motor Corporation |
Production Seq. Number: | 135176 |
Fuel Type: | Gasoline |
Engine Code: | N3 |
Drive Line Type: | FWD |
Vehicle Type: | Passenger Car |
Vehicle Class: | Small Car |
Restraint System: | Dual Air Bag; Seat Belts; Knee Air Bag; Side Air Bag-1st Row; Curtain Shield Air Bag-All Rows |
Country: | JAPAN |
Assy. Plant: | Fujimatsu Plant |
Check Digit: | 1 |
MPG: | AVR:51-48-50 |
Hybrid Type: | Full Hybrid Electric (HEV); Power-split (Series/Parallel) |
Engine Series Code: | 2ZR-FXE+3JM |
AAIA: | 74194/154569 |
AAIA_ENGINE: | 9164 |
AAIA_LEGACY: | 1444360 |
AAIA_VehicleID: | 74194 |
AAIA_EngineConfigID: | 9164 |
AAIA_TransmissionID: | 2971 |
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: | 18 |
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: | 6 |
AAIA_DriveTypeID: | 5 |
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: | 1 |
The vehicle is equipped with transmitters from Qualcomm that record not only driver behavior, but also how often the car is plugged in.It's possible to go up to 64 mph without using a single drop of fuel.